Saturday, April 25, 2009

Biased Reporting

This week I wrote about the conviction of a man for killing a transgender person inColorado. Thursday's paper had this gem by Denver Post reporter Monte Whaley: "The speed of conviction stunned many, especially given the conservative makeup of Greeley and the victim's transgender-oriented life." What? Conservatives won't quickly decide to convict a murderer if the victim was transgender? Where are the facts to back up that insinuation? Did the reporter expect or hope to find conservatives backing the murderer because conservatives don't share the values of the victim? Does the reporter think that conservatives believe a transgender person's life is less valuable than any other human life?


  1. Yes. Unfortunately, yes they do.The left is by far the most intolerant bunch of people it has ever been my misfortune to know.

  2. *sigh*

    So conservatives can't follow the dictates of a judge in the jury room? They're more likely to follow the law than so-called liberals. Snap judgments...yeah, the recent debacle by Hilton Perez speaks volumes for liberal 'swift judgment'.

  3. Murder is murder and the left doesn't understand that.

  4. Shoprat: Perfectly said, sir!

    I don't think the issue is the person being transgender - a person was murdered.

    The left seems to apply "hate crime" status with the idea of making something illegal "more illegal". I guess it's because they like to perpetuate the victim status based on groups - which is how they seem to view society.

  5. No Bob I don't think the reporter got it. When we conservatives do something right (in a liberal's eyes), we are suddenly incomprehensable. We are not following their preconceived notion. You'd think they'd figure it out but they never do.

  6. Thanks everyone for such thoughtful comments.
