Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Victim Game

I have begun reading Ann Coulter's new book "Guilty". I know she is grating to listen to on the radio, and painful to watch on t.v., but the woman can flat out nail it as a writer. She does her homework, and then blasts the hypocrites right out of the galaxy.

She begins her new book with this sentence: "Liberals always have to be victims, particularly when oppressing others." Have you noticed that phenomena? I have been studying it for many years. I have done my best as a parent to teach my children not to do it. Coulter calls it "the game of He Who Is Offended First Wins," and "pretending to be insulted and register operatic anger."

It is not an easy thing for parents to stop, because it is so perverse. Coulter again: "Ironically, liberals' victim strategy works in this country precisely because of America's boundless tenderheartedness and generosity." Yes, and it is also our tenderheartedness and generosity as parents that our own children are most likely to prey upon when playing the victim game. Of course, as always, what we ourselves model is the most important teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I actually adore Ann on TV and the radio. I get her schtick and like it. But you are right, she really shines in her writing. I've seen this victim mentality before and frankly the author of it is Satan. Read written history...some group was always claiming they had it bad. It has never worked. It won't work now. It will just do what it has always done...destroy that particular country, state, empire.
