Another wise move The Denver Post made after the collapse of the Rocky Mountain News, was to carry Charles Krauthammer's Washington Post columns. Since Krauthammer had a different view than President Bush (he has been a proponent of allowing research on embryonic stem cell lines derived from discarded embryos in fertility clinics), Obama's team invited him to the White House ceremony where Obama announced his executive order leaving embryonic stem cell research to the scientists (He did not attend). No doubt it will be the last ceremony to which Krauthammer is invited, because he writes a scathing piece accusing Obama of "rhetorical slight-of-hand, intellectual laziness, and moral arrogance." I have written about Obama's rhetorical slight of hand. It seems to be his most prominent characteristic.
Krauthammer implies that Obama has decided "that a human embryo is the moral equivalent of a hangnail." Krauthammer cannot believe "within living memory of Mengele," that a U.S. president, Barack Obama, admonished, "We must resist the false choice between sound science and moral values."
I will never understand someone who wants to "fight" for Dafur but accepts the casual killing of innocent life.