Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rescuing Worried Parents

Amidst all of the doom and gloom economy news, there is at least one bright spot: a "tween" version of Dora the Explorer will be unveiled this fall! AP reporter Nekesa Mumbi Moody writes that when Mattel released a silhouette of the "new" Dora, she appeared to have long flowing hair, appeared to be wearing a scanty skirt, emphasizing her long, shapely legs." For the record, though, she was wearing a "tunic and leggings, and she doesn't have makeup." Whew! You guys had me worried there for a minute.

Moody reports that "Nickelodeon and Mattel say parents wanted a way to keep Dora in their kids lives." What a relief! Thank you, Nickelodeon! Thank you, Mattel! We didn't know what we were going to do without Dora!


  1. This kind of reminds me of my granddaughter explaining to me that she had outgrown Hanna Montana, but she likes Miley Cyrus.

  2. Good for someone keeping their head around here. I've spent a lifetime envying tall, slender, long-legged women, ha.

  3. I am tall, slender and long legged, but when I was a teenager that wasn't popular, which definitely shows my age. I was called bean pole, asked "how's the air up there", etc. We shouldn't envy anyone for their looks because what's popular will always change. Short and well-padded was what was fashionable when I was a teen.

    I'm not familiar with "Dora". I googled pictures of her. She's adorable!

    Sorry for not being around for awhile. I took a month off, and then the planting season hit. I've slowed way down in my posting and visiting.
