Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Politicizing Science

Saying one thing and doing another. Barack Obama is a master of cognitive dissonance. The latest example occurred Monday when he issued the executive order allowing federal funding for the destruction of human embryos. He said he wanted to take politics out of science. He did just the opposite. My understanding is that science has already moved past the need to destroy embryonic stem cells. If that is true, then Obama's action, what he did, was throw red meat to those who run the abortion racket in the U.S., politicizing science.


  1. You are right. By refusing to give federal funding to ESC research, Bush's executive order increased research on adult stem cells. Plus there was still research in embryonic stem cells going on in the private sector and funded by some states. They have found very little benefit from embryonic stem cells, but adult stems cells appear to be the most promising.

    Even the way Obama phrased it was grating. "Science" is not a value system but a methodology. Science cannot be used to justify what is clearly a moral choice. Essentially Obama is saying we are not going to let religion, ethics, and morals stand in the way of anything we want to do.
