Thursday, March 26, 2009

One More Crisis Not to Waste

With Hillary Clinton's visit to Mexico, there is lots of talk about guns going across the border from America to Mexico, and lots of talk about legalizing marijuana. Are these just two more examples of "not letting a good crisis go to waste?" In other words, are leftists taking advantage of the problems in Mexico to push for drug legalization and gun control? Is it not possible to secure our border?


  1. I had this to misquote the Grinch, a wonderful terrible idea this am commuting to work...what if Mexico just votes to become part of the US. Then we'd have a much smaller border to defend, we could teach them all has possibilities.

  2. You are right to call BS.

    The full-auto weapons the cartels are wielding down in Mexico did not come from the El Paso Wal-Mart. They are getting military small arms and heavier weapons from rogue governments and black market agents.

    Chavez and Castro are more likely sources than San Diego.

  3. Hi just thought of you. Hope your doing well
