Friday, March 06, 2009

Chicken McNuggets and Distortions

Have you heard about the woman who called 911 not once, not twice, but three times, while at a McDonalds in Florida? I first heard her ridiculed on a sports radio show, then yesterday on Rush Limbaugh, who said she called 911 because McDonalds did not have the Chicken McNuggets she ordered.

Well, that is not quite true. She ordered Chicken McNuggets and fries. When she was called to pick up her order, McDonalds informed her that they were out of Chicken McNuggets, and asked her to order something else. She didn't want something else. She wanted Chicken McNuggets! She asked for her money back. They would not give her her money back!

I think McDonalds should have given her her money back. Why do people like Limbaugh want to distort the facts to make McDonalds look good and her look bad? Yes, I know that 911 calls should be reserved for life and death type emergencies. The woman was not an educated person. When the 911 operator asked her if she had tried to talk to the manager, the woman answered, "the manager are here." Is that why she was ridiculed by the radio hosts?

The woman said the reason she called 911 was because she did not know what else to do, except "go over the counter," meaning, I guess, attack the cashier physically. So, to her, the rational thing to do was to call 911. I bet she has been in other situations in her neighborhood in which 911 has been called to resolve disputes and prevent violence. That's why it occurred to her that calling 911 was a proper option.

Is our conservative cause so weak that we have to resort to distortions and exaggerations of facts?


  1. Thanks for your interesting take on this incident, Bob. It probably was a bit scary for her in there unable to get a refund.

  2. Hmmm hadn't thought of it that way. Another slice for Ann's book...people who feel like victims always expect someone else to deal with their problems. Rush isn't always right. I've "caught" a few stories that didn't pan out the way they were presented.

  3. Great post. I didn't know any of those important details, and I do try not to rush to judgment before I know all the facts. You might be interested in some details of the infamous McDonald's hot coffee suit if you are not already familiar with them:

    A partial quote:
    "Kathleen Gilliam, 73, suffered first degree burns when a cup of coffee spilled onto her lap. Reports also indicate that McDonald's consistently keeps its coffee at 185 degrees, still approximately 20 degrees hotter than at other restaurants. Third degree burns occur at this temperature in just two to seven seconds, requiring skin grafting, debridement and whirlpool treatments that cost tens of thousands of dollars and result in permanent disfigurement, extreme pain and disability to the victims for many months, and in some cases, years."
