Friday, February 06, 2009

The Media Isn't Noticing

Many people have died in Kentucky due to the killer ice storm that has left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity for more than a week now. Where is President Obama? I understand that he flew in Air Force One, with his fleet of SUVs, down to Williamsburg, Virginia to a spa last night. Remember when the media and their Democrat allies excoriated President Bush for not responding faster to Hurricane Katrina?

Some spots may not get electricity back for weeks. The 8,500 Amish Kentuckians have been largely unaffected, since they don't use electricity anyway. One Amish man said, "We paid it no attention." He and other Amish have been helping other non-Amish cope.

1 comment:

  1. And again our so called watch dog media sits by and does nothing but worship Obama. I don't know if I can take 4 years of this...anyone know where I can get a job in Canada?
