“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors” along 700 miles of designated border areas, the Secure Fence Act said.
Representative Duncan Hunter, who I actually thought was the best of the Republican candidates for president in 2008, is quoted in the article.
The single-layer fencing, or primary fencing, consists of one eight-to-ten-foot fence. Double-layer fencing, or secondary fencing, consists of a parallel pair of eight-to-ten-foot fences and is equipped with sensors and cameras. A patrol road runs between the two fences.
“The double-border fence is what works,” Rep. Duncan Hunter (R.-Calif.) told CNSNews.com. “As long as you have Border Patrol watching that, no one is going to get over it.”
Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson put in an amendment that allows the Homeland Security Director to stop building the fence.
Read the whole thing here.
I remember listening to Laura Ingraham when the amnesty bill was being debated. She pointed out that the WSJ was biased in favor of the cheap labor illegal immigrants could provide for businesses. The WSJ is an excellent paper, but readers just need to be aware of biases, no matter what the source you may be reading or listening to.
Yes I wish they would just announce it like on Fox News and let us decide if we want to listen to it or not.