Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A "Duty to Die?"

Rush Limbaugh noticed a provision in the "Porkulus" bill that created a national health care office. Doctors who wanted to know whether they would be paid for a procedure, especially for an elderly patient, would have to check with that national office. If it works anything like the U.K. national healthcare system, the wait might cause the sick or elderly person to die, before the procedure could be implemented. Remember when Colorado's pompous Governor Lamm said back in the seventies that old people have a duty to die? Lamm is now a quiet senior citizen.


  1. Except that the Bloomberg article that Rush got his info from was wrong, and he made this up trying to extrapolate on it.

  2. According to what I've heard the provision is in the House bill not the Senate bill. Who's version gets passed won't find the light of day in time to stop it. How you treat your very old and very young is a measure of your so called civilization. We losing the war.

  3. No, the health care office has already been created, by George HW Bush... there is a provision in the stimulus bill to update those medical records to digital so they can be accessed by computer instead of the paper forms used now.
