Friday, February 13, 2009

Blunders are multiplying

With the sudden withdrawal by Judd Gregg at Commerce, Obama's cabinet calamities continue. Obama's efforts to politicize the 2010 census, by having its director report directly to Obama's highly partisan Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, rather than respecting the scientific methods of statisticians at Commerce, may be Obama's biggest blunder yet. The temptations involved in redistricting and reapportionment of political districts were just too great for the Obama team to leave to scientists.

Also on Thursday Obama announced that the CEO of Caterpillar had indicated that if the stimulus bill passes, Caterpillar will begin rehiring workers who have been laid off. An enterprising reporter followed up on this claim, bringing TV cameras for an interview with the Caterpillar CEO, who said he would probably have to lay off even more people before he would begin rehiring!

1 comment:

  1. In a way a part of me is somewhat satisified he's as dumb as I suspected, but the more practical part of me is bemoaning the fact.
