Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bible Teachings: The Children's Edition

In today's family Bible study we looked at some things in Proverbs, but mostly we studied Galations 5:22 and 23. Here are some of the concepts we studied, and the answers the children came up with.

What does it mean to be wise? "Don't whine when people correct you."

Wealthy? "When you have a lot of something that is good."

Love? "Being sweet to others; it will help you get married some day, and get children. It is what God wants you to do. Treating pets right. Love is powerful, and can cause good things to happen."

Joy? "Happiness, the opposite of anger; being a happy person."

Peace? "Quiet; no bad guys coming after you; no war."

Patience? "Wait for the stuff you wanted. Don't say, "When is my stuff going to be here? Wait, don't say anything snotty. Don't call your friend on the phone and say, "When are you going to be here?"

Kindness? "Niceness; do something nice, like helping people."

Goodness? "Good people spreading good. If you are in the store and you notice that someone has cracked eggs, tell them that eggs are spilling. If you see a friend in the store, and he has something you want, but your mom won't let you have it, don't just get mad and take it: just mind your own business."

Faithfulness? "Do what you say you are going to do. Keep your promises. If you go to bed without brushing your teeth and you promise your mom you will do it first thing in the morning, remember to do it."

Gentleness? "No hitting. Be nice to animals.

Self control? "If there is a bully, don't punch him (like you want to), because if you do not use self control, you get in trouble and your life is miserable."

Crucify our sinful self? "Give up selfishness."

Follow the Spirit? "The Holy Spirit will help us do all the things we studied about today."


  1. Delightful. The children are really getting the hang of it. Good teaching.

  2. I love teaching children gospel prinicples. They are so wise in their applications...these are priceless.

  3. Wow. The essence of eloquence. As Jesus said, "Out of the mouths of babes..."
