Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What Will He Do?

Michael Bennet has been picked by Democratic Governor Bill Ritter to become the next U.S. Senator from Colorado, presuming that Ken Salazar will be confirmed as the next Secretary of the Interior.

Bennet has been working as the Superintendent of the Denver Public Schools. In that position he has been opposed by the teachers union, as he has sought to improve results of children's education.

Now he goes to Washington, where the unions are expecting payback from the politicians whose campaigns were bankrolled by unions. It will be interesting to see if Bennet votes, despite his firsthand experience, in lockstep with the Democratic Senators to give unions even more power to stifle reform.

Not having to campaign for the job, it is unknown what Bennet will do. Nobody, except perhaps Governor Ritter, knows how he will vote on issues to be debated this year in the Senate.

1 comment:

  1. My guess would be lockstep because the so-called blue dog democrats that supposedly were going to "fix" the democrats have voted lockstep and now that Pelosi has made sure the minority party can't really do anything, I figure we're in for a very fast ride into socialism. Sigh.
