Monday, January 19, 2009

"We Don't Need Oreos!"

Have you ever seen couples fighting in the supermarket line? It is startling, and extremely unpleasant; almost as unpleasant as seeing an adult scream at a child. Yesterday I witnessed a fight between a man and a woman. There was nothing she could do that would please him. He closely examined everything she put on the conveyor belt. The last item on the belt was a package of Oreos. That was the last straw.

"We don't need Oreos," he shouted at the top of his voice in utter exasperation.
She immediately, firmly replied, "Yes. WE. Do."


  1. I understand why we all fight in relationships: living together can cause obvious friction even among the happiest people. However, arguing over a stinking package of $2.50 Oreos? That's pettier than Tom & his Heartbreakers.

  2. I can't even imagine fighting like that (and over something so petty) in such a public place.

    And yet, I find her response kind of hilarious.

  3. There is something wrong with people who argue in public. Even over serious things.

  4. I dunno. I confess I did it in a grocery store myself. I had an exacting roommate and was renting a room in her house. We agreed that we'd split household costs like TP. One day, we happen to be grocery shopping at the same time, I had faithfully checked her linen closet and bought the same type and color as she had. Turns out I got mixed up...something I do regularly. Anyway, at the conveyor belt she mentioned how much she hated that particular brand and why did I always buy it? I can't explain what happened to me but I picked up the package of TP and threw it at her and marched out. Good thing though is she never complained again...ha.

  5. terri,
    Thanks for the great laugh to start the day! Sometimes words are not enough to convey adequately the emotions being felt! It may take a nonverbal act to get the point across!

  6. terri,
    Thanks for the great laugh to start the day! Sometimes words are not enough to convey adequately the emotions being felt! It may take a nonverbal act to get the point across!

  7. terri,
    Isn't annoying when a commenter gets distracted and then posts his comment twice?

    I wanted to say additionally to you to you that it is heartwarming to know that a faithful Mormon can also have a redneck temper!

  8. Giggle, yes we Mormons and rednecks have tempers.

  9. I call those "why I'm thankful to be single" moments. :)
