Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Questions About Two of Obama's Key Picks

Because of the war on terror and the worldwide recession, two of Obama's cabinet picks take on more importance: Treasury Secretary and Attorney General. There are huge problems with the two people Obama has picked.

On Wednesday, the Senate Finance Committee considers Timothy Geithner for Secretary of the Treasury. As head of Treasury, Geithner would be over I.R.S. From 2001-2004 Geithner worked at the International Monetary Fund, and failed to pay $34,000 in taxes! He was audited by the I.R.S. in 2006, and was required to pay $15,000 in back taxes for 2003-2004. Earlier, he had been required by the International Monetary Fund to sign a document stating he was responsible for paying $2,364 in 2001 and $16, 812 for 2002. Not until Barack Obama expressed his intent to nominate him for Secretary of Treasury did Geithner pay those 2001-2 taxes, plus interest.

Of course, Geithner should do the right thing and withdraw his nomination. If not, at least he will provide the rest of us with some good excuses and alibis!

Obama's nominee for Attorney General, Eric Holder, testified last week in his confirmation hearing that "waterboarding is a crime." That statement, of course, may put in jeopardy many military and intelligence officials and their attorneys. In additon, Obama and Holder want to close down Guantanamo prison. President Bush used military commissions to try the vicious terrorists detained there. Military commissions permit the use of evidence that would not be allowed in civilian courts. Holder advocates using civilian courts. Some of the evidence America has collected against these detainees was collected in a war zone, or by using classified interrogation methods, without advising the dear little terrorists of their rights.

The protection of our means and methods for gathering classified information would be put at risk, if our military had to follow rules of civilian courts.

1 comment:

  1. Listen so far I'm seeing nothing but Clinton everywhere and not liking it at all.
