What is Martin Luther King's legacy? I think it was his determination to have
us live up to the words in the Declaration of Independence; that our rights are derived from God, not from government; that all humans have worth and dignity and deserve to have freedom of opportunity to reach their potential.
I am also glad that he stressed the importance of the content of our character, not the color of our skin. Like all of us, Dr. King had some character issues, himself.
Barack Obama benefited from the accomplishments of Dr. King and the others who pushed our country to live up to its founding Declaration. We all have. Let's pray on this Inauguration Day that we will all have the courage to trust God to enable us to develop character and to uphold the ideals this country was founded on. Obama and the American citizens will also need the determination and wisdom to fight those who would destroy this country and its ideals.
I guess being from the place MLK started gives me a different perspective. Here, he was considered what today we would call an angry black man who said inflammatory things in the pulpit. Something we were shocked at by Rev. Wright. I'm just grateful I grew up in the military in a time and place where there was no such thing as segegration.