Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Enduring Unpopularity

Don't you love Dick Cheney? Determined to take stands supporting our troops and our intelligence officers, he and the president have been willing to endure unpopularity to protect our country. Remaining steadfast on detaining terrorists at Gitmo, surveillance of terrorist communications, and "enhanced interrogation" of terrorists, Cheney and Bush have taken the heat, while our troops and intelligence officers have done what they need to do to protect us.

Let's hope Obama and his clown, V.P. Biden, do not undo all of that, and make us vulnerable once again to attack.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I adore Dick Cheney and his wife whose books to educate the young about our country's founding. They are a wonderful VP team. As are President Bush and Laura. Oh trust me they will be missed. I have little faith in Obama or Biden but I will pray for them daily. Who knows, they might surprise us all.
