Thursday, January 01, 2009

Do you think you are smarter than the President?

Christopher Hitchens takes on Bill Maher and his audience. (Language warning)


  1. He really spoke truth to the kool-aid drinkers. It's apparently very popular to accuse president Bush of idiocy & the audience truly is convinced of that without proof.

    Now, the president is not the most eloquent of speakers (though he orates very well when it's not a prepared speech). However, to accuse any Yale graduate of being moronic is just plain silly.

    Maher is an ideologue. Plain & simple. HBO is giving him a platform because his views agree with the general ideology of the cable network. His network TV show was canceled because he simply forgot that his job on network TV is to sell advertising, not an ideology.

  2. I personally can't stand Maher and I actually like sardonic humor. But his kind is audience oriented not true humor. He tells his audience whe he thinks they want to hear...just like Hapkido pointed out. Glad I don't listen I have a feeling I'd be shooting the bird a lot myself, ha.
