Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Jewish leaders are asking, "How could such a thing happen?" They are referring, of course, to the Mumbai attack on a Jewish Center, killing a young rabbi and his wife, and orphaning their two-year-old child. The answer to the question is two-fold: they were Jews, and they were unarmed. The Jewish community, we are told, is in a "state of shock." Did the Holocaust not happen? Do the Islamists not hate Jews? Of course it is a "tragedy," but failure of the Jews to learn the lessons of the last seventy years, aligning themselves with left-of-center politicians, is also a tragedy.


  1. On the mark! Of course, people will chastise you for asking these inopportune questions, but they are excellent ones.

  2. Couldn't agree with you more. Why so many of these people are left-of-center and politically correct baffles me no end!

  3. I'll probably get creamed for this comment but it seems to me the Jews do understand this...they just like the victim mentality. I say that because I had a co worker who went to a trade show in Germany and refused to purchase anything German. So they do understand hatred, understandably, and they carry it on as well since she wasn't alive in during WWII and her family was here in the US and had been for several generations. She felt it was her people rightly so. But I thought it was a bit over the top to blame the current set of Germans for something another generation did. Let the creaming begin.
