Do you know Mr. K.R. Ramamoorthy? He is a man who, the last time he stayed at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, he was taken hostage, bound, beaten, and berated by the terrorists who took over the hotel last month.
On Sunday night Mr. Ramamoorthy joined hundreds of guests for the partial reopening of the hotel. "I thought I should come back to the place where this happened and show my support for the Taj and my defiance against those who did this to me and to this magnificent city," said Mr. Ramamoorthy.
Another person who returned was Bill Bakshi, a 68-year-od disabled man from Delhi, who also was a guest during the terror seige in November. He came back to try to conquer the fear that has caused him to awaken most nights anxious and sweating, unable to sleep. "I must demonstrate I did not get cowed by this incident. I'm hoping against hope that this gives me a chance to knock the fear out of my system."
The information cited in the previous paragraphs was gleaned from a Wall Street Journal story yesterday by Greta Anand and Eric Bellman.
Do you remember how united we were as a nation after 9-11? Did the constant drumbeat of the old media, constantly pointing out negative aspects of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, finally break that resolve, that unity of Americans to fight the terrorists?
Yes I'm afraid the old media has won yet again. Obama would never be president elect in a different main media lens. It makes me both angry and sad at the same time. The new media must become THE media.