Friday, December 19, 2008

Playing the Game Successfully

Illinois Governor Blagojevich was caught on tape bragging about what he was going to do. Now that's a new one: a guy bragging about what he is going to do! Having a big, foul mouth is now a crime?

Blagojevich is small potatoes, when compared with Bill Clinton's pay-to-play schemes. He is an embarrasment to the Dems, because he doesn't know how to play the game successfully.


  1. I do a lot of work with folks in Springfield, Illinois. They are pretty upset with Blago. The previous governor, George Ryan, is, of course, already in prison. (Wouldn't you be a little nervous as lt. gov.?) I think you're right, though, Blagojevich is hardly the kingpin of Chicago political corruption.

    There is speculation that the Feds had to move because "journalists" at the Chicago Tribune were not going to continue cooperating with the investigation. In other words, it was getting too close to snagging some really big fish.

  2. I hate to say this but I get the feeling Illinois is a lot like LA...they take a perverse delight in being so corrupt. Kinda makes their day if you know what I mean.
