Saturday, December 13, 2008

No Decency

Harry Belafonte was recently caught trying to profit on the death and memory of Dr. Martin Luther king. He possesses King documents worth from $750,000 to $1.3 million. The King estate stated that the documents are a part of a "wrongly acquired" collection. Sotheby's Auction House withdrew the documents from sale, after hearing from the King estate.


  1. No class on Belafonte's part. I'm all for capitalism, which definitely doesn't include stealing from & dishonoring the memory of a man so integral to American history.

  2. I'm stepping out on a limb here but in my part of the world, Martin Luther King, Jr. is exactly respected...his legacy is not as pure as most would like to think. That said, what Belafonte did is just as bad.

  3. Yes, I know. So did J. Edgar Hoover. Screwing around on his wife, cozying up to Commies, are just two things that come to mind.

  4. Belafonte is also a commie lover.
    He is pals with Chavez and Castro.

    Yep, no decency.
