Saturday, December 20, 2008

Green Light

Have we ever had a classier First Lady than Laura Bush? Her work supporting oppressed Muslim women and girls in Afghanistan and throughout the world has been remarkable. She will not stop after leaving the White House. Her moral clarity has been outstanding, as has her husband's. Moral clarity is not currently in vogue, however, as "pacifism and plattitudes" are now glorified. Therefore, the terrorists believe they have a green light to escalate their violence, especially against those who are unarmed and vulnerable, as in India.


  1. Laura Bush has always been the epitome of what a First Lady should be. I wish the next one will find some inspiration there...

  2. She will be a hard act to follow. It will be interesting to watch a mother with two young children in the White House.

  3. I will miss the calming and ladyfying effect Laura Bush has on our country. I'm holding my breath about Michelle.

  4. I know we aren't suppose to think this way, but I often said I voted for Bush the first time because of Laura and frankly it's true. Glad to know that was vindicated by him and most especially by her. I'll miss her doing the HGTV White House Christmas specials. Everyone seemed to love working with her.
