Obama has picked Hilda Solis to be Secretary of Labor. This is his payback to the unions, who hugely supported his candidacy. She publicly states that she has a goal of expanding the reach and power of unions in America.
One of her first efforts will be to push something called the Employee Free Choice Act, which the Wall Street Journal says would do the opposite of its name. It would end secret balloting to unionize a workplace!
President Bush's Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao, has improved the enforcement of financial disclosure rules governing union operations. Union leaders fight transparency requirements regarding their compliance with federal laws.
There is, however, one constituency that needs the Labor Department to enforce union compliance with federal laws: dues-paying union members!
Obama won the endorsement of the Teamsters this spring over Hillary Clinton. How did he do it? By quietly promising to end federal oversight of the Teamsters! Back to the good ole days of mob influence!
Ahhhh, this kind of news just leaves me feeling faintly sick. Will the US survive Obama? Intact?