Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame, has written a review in the Wall Street Journal yesterday of a new book called "How to Live on Mars." According to Reynolds, the book is "in the vein of 19th century guides to the New World." Reynolds says the book "views the values of the frontier as superior to those of a closed civilization." The author, Robert Zubrin, "has written elsewhere that he believes the outlet and example of a frontier is necessary for the long-term survival of freedom for those who remain behind."
The frontiersmen and women of America were, indeed, necessary for our survival. Self-reliance, hard work, large families, trustworthiness, loyallty, honesty, faith in God, risk-taking, inventiveness, and resourcefulness are some of the attributes they brought to the American frontier. What are some other attributes you can think of? More importantly, do you think our people still practice these values in our every day lives?
Inventive. Our pioneers were inventive. They came up with so many innovative ways to do things and mostly for those who came behind them. As part of the "me" generation, I have great respect for those generations before us that did things to help the next one out. And that quality I'm afraid is gone. Perhaps it will come back. I hope so.