Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Driving While Texting

Someone ran over a child last week, while driving her car and texting on her cell phone. I think someone will introduce a bill soon in the Colorado legislature to ban the use of cell phones while driving an automobile. Do you think that would be a good idea?

It is hard for me to be objective about this one. One year ago I slumped to the floor and pushed "mom's cell" button on our phone. Our two-year-old foster child thought I was playing, so she climbed up on my back. I wasn't playing; I was having a heart attack!

Colleen was driving home, after taking the kids to school. She dialed 911 from her cell phone. The EMS people were there within ten minutes, and I was on my way to a topnotch hospital. My life was saved because a call was made on the cell phone while Colleen was driving.

I am not a fan of texting, though. Severe penalties are levied against drunk drivers who are involved in accidents. The same should apply to texters, who are not even trying to look where they are going. At least the drunks are trying to see!


  1. I'm against government intervention on these levels. At the same time I think emergency texting or calling is a godsend as in your case. Casual texting is a temptation we should avoid ON OUR OWN.

  2. Idiots are going to be idiots ... no matter what the law says.

    Sane, responsible people are going to be sane and responsible.

    I use my cell when driving, but I do it only by voice, and only when the traffic and road conditions are safe.

    If the idiots aren't texting, they'll be leaning over the seat to pick up a baby's pacifier from the floor, or fiddling with the settings on their ipod.

    If someone's driving is unsafe, the cops should pull them over and ticket them for being a menace ... no matter what they're doing!
