Saturday, December 13, 2008


Betsy Hart is one of my favorite writers on the subject of parenting. In her latest column she writes about how hard it is to get kids to say, "I'm sorry," (without adding a "but,") to take full responsibility when they mess up, and to ask for forgiveness. Of course, as always, what the parents model in their own behaviors, is the best teacher.

Hart thinks part of the problem is the "I am great just as I am" culture our kids our growing up in. No, you are not! You might be great, if you work hard to develop self control, responsibility, courage, perseverance, honesty, faith, humility, and integrate these and other other elements of character into your personality.

Unfortunately, kids are more likely to mimic what their parents do, instead of what their parents preach. Of course, they are also greatly influenced by the behavior of their peers, and by what they see on television, movies and video games. No matter how hard we parents try, a lot of things just have to come along as the child matures, usually learning the hard way, just like their parents!.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy was she ever on target. Had I actually bothered listening to my parents, I would have saved myself tons of grief...too bad we just don't listen to those older and wiser.
