Tuesday, December 02, 2008

American Targets

The United States is planning to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States available within the United States within two years to assist civilian authorities in the event of a terrorist attack. That is a seven-fold increase since 2001. All these troops would be trained to respond to a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high yield explosive attack.

Given the havoc created by ten terrorists in India last week, these changes are probably warranted. How about also greatly increasing the numbers of Americans carrying concealed weapons? If terrorists and other crazies were uncertain whether they would meet up with citizens carrying concealed weapons, they might just decide to stay away from American targets.

1 comment:

  1. I personally am extremely uncomfortable with an armed military presence in our midst in addition to our regular military. Maybe it's just me but I keep thinking in Germany the first thing the Nazis did was take the guns (for the population's own protection). I much rather see an armed and dangerous (pun intended) citizenry than a widened domestic force answering only to the CIC.
