Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Panic and Bailouts, Or Faith, Forgiveness, and Striving For Excellence?

What is worse, a deepening recession, or a deepening deficit? Obama is telling us not to worry about the deficit for the next couple of years.

What was the management of the American auto industry thinking when they approved benefit packages of $70 per hour for their union workers, while Toyota's package is over $20 per hour less? In the 1950s 28% of American workers were unionized. Now it is 7%. The UAW is an albatross around the neck of the American automakers.

Private money is sitting on the sidelines, because no one knows what Treasury Secretary Paulson is going to do with the hundreds of billions of our dollars approved by the panicked members of Congress. Also, no Senator or Representative wants to be seen as celebrating when fellow Americans fail. Few had the courage to try to stop the bailouts.

We have this modern ethic that exalts self esteem. No one is supposed to be allowed to fail. More importance is placed on that than on excellence in competition. So, others are out-competing us. Self esteem, however, is only achieved when one accomplishes something through hard work and striving for excellence.

Do you make mistakes? Do you fail sometimes in your daily life? What do you do about it? How do you avoid making the same mistakes again the next day? If you are a Christian, you have the promise of God that His Holy Spirit is within you to help you overcome your sinful nature, if you seek to become all that God intends you to be. We must acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness unceasingly, and trust God to help us live as He would have us live. This is what I know I need to do every hour of every day. I also believe God has blessed our country, because we have acknowledged God and sought His guidance in setting up our country. If we turn our backs on God, we deserve to fail, and we will.

1 comment:

  1. I too Bob love my country very much and feel this land is special and was raised up so to speak as a godly country. And I read of wonderful and kind things Amercians do to each other and for each other and others every day. But our politics have gone off the beaten track and are dragging us with them. Where it will end I don't know. But yes I take great comfort in knowing that even as much as I love my country, I am first and always a daughter of God.
