Do you know people who are chronically miserable? Beware of these people. They are always looking for someone to blame for their misery. If it is convenient for them to build themselves up by pointing the blame finger at you, they will not hesitate.
On the other hand, there are people who are chronically happy. Those are the kinds of people you want to be around. They are not looking to blame anybody. These persons just want to contribute. They always have something about which they are feeling grateful!
A blog I visit daily points out here that there is research that shows that replacing negative emotions with positive thinking is not enough. Yes, we need to encourage positive thinking, but along with that, we need to encourage positive emotions. “[R]esearch in the neurosciences has made it quite clear that emotional processes operate at a much higher speed than thoughts.”
The most neglected emotion is gratitude. We are one week away from Thanksgiving. As blogger Ann Voskamp recommends, even though at times it may seem counterintuitive to give thanks to God when things are not going well, that is exactly the best medicine that can be prescribed for each of us!
Truer words were never spoken. I have also found that like attracts like...if I am positive, I find positive people around me. I have a lot of misery lovers in my family and have to fight to keep cheerful. Thank goodness I have God...He reminds me daily of how much I have to be grateful for, especially at Thanksgiving.