Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Courage to Stand Up and Speak Out

Last night the despicable terrorist Bill Ayres was at Georgetown University promoting a book he has written. A young Georgetown student stood up and challenged Ayres during the question and answer period. Of course, Ayres did not answer the question. Instead, he lectured the student not to watch Fox News. He told the student he needed to become a deeper thinker. I applaud this student for having the courage to challenge this America-hater.


  1. I don't watch Fox, I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, and I'm aware of what kind of terrorist that person is.

  2. Is it just me, or does it seem like the people who always called us fascists were projecting?

  3. It just gets scarier doesn't it? Will America even be recognizable when this is all over?

  4. I'd like to answer Terri: I'm in my 60's, and to me, America isn't recognizable now, Terri! :(

    I do listen to Rush, and watch Fox News, but even if I didn't, a terrorist is a terrorist and the only thing Ayers proves is that he wants the person who asked the question to be brainwashed.

    Ayers is a disgusting excuse for a human being, and I wish he could at least be deported. For him to be running around doing interviews and brainwashing America's young college students is a slap in the face to what America stands for and to each and every American who loves our country. I detest that evil man and his evil wife more than I have words to express!

  5. Good for that student! It appears to me he already IS a deep thinker...a shallow one wouldn't have been able to challenge Ayres.

  6. Yes Gayle you're right. It's not recognizable now. And Ayers shouldn't be walking around or have the access he has to the White House as we now know he and Obama are in fact good buddies. It's an ill wind that blows no good.
