Thursday, November 06, 2008

Classy People

President Bush, who has been relentlessly villainized by Barack Obama for the last two years, has graciously invited the Obamas to the White House, and today Obama is being given the same intelligence briefing that President Bush is getting. What a contrast with the treatment Bush got from the Clintons!

Wednesday an emotional Neil Cavuto's voice cracked while he talked about his experiences at the Bush White House. He said that President Bush was as gracious to every member of the Fox television crew, to elevator operators, to all White House staff, as he was to heads of state.

The Bushes brought class back to the presidency and to the White House. George Bush is a man at peace with himself and with God. We may have huge differences with some of his decisions, and his poor communication skills, but there can be no dispute that he is a man of impeccable character who does not stoop to the level of the leftist thugs who attack him night and day, month after month.


  1. Great post. That is a campaign promise kept - restoring dignity to the White House. Quite a swing from Bill and Hillary (and Monica) to George and Laura.

    I'm sure Obama and his people will also go to great lengths to preserve an image of honesty, Christianity, and a happy marriage and family. We like to think his election proves that racism is over, but I suspect they know that the first black president could never get away with what the 42nd white president did.

  2. Amen to that one.

    President Bush has been treated horribly by the media, and I hope he realizes that there are many who support him and are thankful for his ministry in this office.

