Last night Michael Savage had a former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania, Phillip J. Berg, on his radio program. Mr. Berg, a Democratic supporter of Hillary Clinton, is suing Obama to force Obama to produce an authentic birth certificate, not a certificate of live birth, as posted on Obama's web site. He claims that Obama's paternal grandmother was present at Obama's birth in Mombossa, Kenya on August 4, 1961. Berg believes that Obama's family traveled to Hawaii after the birth in Kenya, at which time they filed the certificate of live birth and submitted the newspaper announcement. There is another lawsuit in the state of Washington.
The United States Constitution, of course, requires that the President of the United States be a natural-born citizen of the United States.
Whether this has teeth of not (and it may), what's both annoying and scaring is how little attention the media is paying when they tried hard to make McCain not a citizen because he was born in the Canal Zone (where I might add my sister was). This does bring up an interesting point though we have 2 candidates who may not have actually been born in the US proper.