Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ho Hum

The Rocky Mountain News has a columnist named Mike Littwin. The Rocky has assigned Littwin to cover the presidential campaign. Littwin, a former columnist on the sports pages, has traveled all over America covering campaign events. His columns always favor Obama, sometimes subtly, always with sarcasm, and sometimes blatantly biased.

This week Littwin was upset that Rush Limbaugh gave his views about the Powell endorsement of Obama. Littwin suggests we turn down the volume when listening to "El Rushbo". The only time I turn down the volume on Rush is when I am getting out of the shower, and that is only because I turn up the volume when I am in the shower!

Worried that Obama might lose, Littwin accuses Rush of doing what he could to limit the "damage" to McCain. I submit that the Powell endorsement damaged McCain as much as the Gore endorsement of Howard Dean damaged John Kerry (in other words, the effect was neglible). Did you see the results of the poll conducted by the Military Times? Americans serving our country in the military favor John McCain 2/3 to 1/3.

Not surprisingly, Littwin uses the Powell endorsement to write yet another column ridiculing conservative thinkers. Ho hum.

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