Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"Cannibalizing Values"

I am reading Clarence Thomas's "My Grandfather's Son". I am finding it to be a very moving story of the life of a brilliant man, who saw clearly and felt deeply the sting of segregation. Nevertheless, he also resisted "a new kind of enslavement," dependency on government. He realized that those who fostered dependency on government condemned poor people "to the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder, by cannibalizing the values without which they had no long term hope of improving their lot."


  1. Sounds interesting, maybe I should take a read.

  2. I've been wanting to read this book ever since I heard an interview of Justice Thomas on the radio a couple months ago. Sounds like a fascinating person and a good role model for our children.

  3. I haven't read it but it certainly sounds worthwhile. Depedency on the government is indeed inslavement, but the poor in this country haven't woke up to that reality. I wonder if they ever will? It doesn't seem likely.
