Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Will the Holy Spirit Give Us The Gifts We Need?

The dominant media is all over Wasilla, Alaska, trying to find someone speaking in tongues. The pentecostal churches teach that the Holy Spirit may give a believer special gifts, and among those is speaking in tongues. If they can just find someone speaking in tongues, they believe that will discredit and ridicule Sarah Palin, who left the church five years ago!

Do you think it is working? Sarah Palin is a real threat to the elites, because she gets it. She identifies with us, because she is one of us. McCain's wisdom in choosing her has changed the polling results significantly. The Dems and their allies in the media are desperate. McCain's surge in the polls is continuing.

Sarah Palin has found a way to serve God by serving the people. The Holy Spirit will give her the gifts she needs. She believes that, and so do I.


  1. In my religion, we often attribute that gift when someone can suddenly speak clearly in a foreign language they did not know. For example, in an emergency a person finds themselves speaking say German even though they did not know German. I think of it as the Star Trek translator. Maybe that sounds a bit silly, but the gifts of the Spirit are to uplift and edify one another. I believe in the gift of tongues as well. I think the media is just plain desperate.

  2. There are numerous gifts of the Spirit, one being the gift of administration or "leading" in some translations -- Romans 12:8

    My view is similar to Mick Jagger's -- you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need.

  3. You're right, but don't tell the media that.

    terri wagner interprets the "gift of tongues" exactly the same way I do.

  4. I just laugh thinking how much that scares the Libs, even though they don't believe in it!

  5. Forget that 'divers gifts' stuff- only glossolalia will do for the MSM, studying primitives in Darkest Alaska.

    The rest of us know better.
    If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen. My gift is service...
