Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Slipping in the Polls

John McCain is slipping in the polls. What has happened? Or, perhaps, a better question to ask is, what did he do when he went up in the polls? That's easy. He went up in the polls when he sounded like a conservative in the Saddleback church debate moderated by Rick Warren in California. He went way up in the polls when he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Lately, though, John McCain has reminded us of what we have long known about him: he is not a conservative. We need to guard ourselves against getting too emotionally involved with him, because, like President Bush, he will disappoint us time and again.


  1. I dunno why he's slipping but here he's actually gaining. With financial news being so scary, people are totally turned off Obama's feelgood deep pocket government handouts.

  2. You both make good points.

    It's not a good idea to get too emotionally involved with any politician.

    For example, I used to go to the same church as John Ashcroft. His father, Dr. Ashcroft, had a huge influence on me. I think John is a decent guy but I wouldn't have let him count the children's church offering without two deacons to watch him.
