Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Proof of a Bad Economy

Did you see that Obama raised only $9,ooo,ooo last night in Hollywood? We must surely be living in a poor economy.


  1. It's practically the Great Depression all over again.

    I for one am just about sick of hearing how this is the worst economy since the Great Depression. This is as rhetorically ridiculous as invoking Hitler's name every time one disagrees with the government.

    I am a little too young to know anything first hand about the Depression but by all accounts it was extremely rough -- an era of deflation. You could buy whatever you needed for little or nothing, but no one had cash.

    I vote we change it to "the worst economy since Jim Carter left office".

  2. Frankly, I think it would have been a much more impressive gesture had Obama turned that money over to the cities of Galveston and Houston. After all, don't the Democrats care more about the little guy than the Republicans do. /s

  3. It's always prosperity for the Hollywood superstars.

  4. Damn...poor guy. Maybe he can help me afford airfare for Christmas...



  5. I vote we change it to "the worst economy since Jim Carter left office".

    I'll second that motion.
