Did you notice that the Democrats tried to insert funding for ACORN in the bailout plan? ACORN is a radical arm of the Democratic party. They have been registering voters for Obama here in Colorado throughout 2008. I had some experience with them this summer. I was looking for a job. I heard they were registering voters. When I took the foster children into the huge Denver Social Services building at 12th and Federal, I saw them registering welfare recipients to vote. They were always there with a large table, and people were signing up. I also saw them at a grocery store in the inner city, getting signatures on petitions for labor union-sponsored petitions, from welfare recipients standing in line to cash their checks on the first of the month. They were very aggressive.
I thought, that would be a fun thing to do, register voters, and be paid for it! So, I went to their office to apply for a job. I was up front with them, and told them I wanted to sign up people in the suburbs, closer to our farm. They said no, "We are only employing people to work in the housing projects and welfare offices." Can you believe the Dems were so blatant as to try to include massive funding for ACORN in the bailout plan?
You just know the next thing ACORN will be doing is taking van-loads of people to the polls on election day. Without ACORN, I believe most of the people they have signed up will not bother to take the initiative to get themselves to the polls on election day. I wonder how many vans will be purchased with taxpayer money!
Yeah I can believe it. I almost can't be outraged because quite frankly that's been going on for so long, it's just part of the scenery. I don't know how to stop it.