Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I know Michelle Obama is not popular with my fellow conservatives. However, as I have written before, I find her story very inspirational. She and her brother came from very humble beginnings. They had solid parents. Her father had MS, but still made it to work every day. The parents convinced Michelle and her brother that education was the way to success. After graduating from Princeton and Harvard Law School, she returned to Chicago, where she met her future husband.

To see what she has accomplished is a great tribute to her and to our country.


  1. You are right! And it is sad that in spite of that. she says she is only now 'proud' of her country.

  2. Fair enough. Politics aside, her success is admirable.

  3. I'm not sure I'd go that far. Let's say I'd rather give kudoes to the parents. I think Michelle is just another angry black woman.
