Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin versus Biden on the most important issue facing our country: our energy policy. Let's get it on, big boy.

Joan of Argghh! links to a recent CNBC interview with Sarah Palin. Asked about Alaska's oil reserves, Palin says it is time to "unlock" them. Palin noted that a Senator named Biden voted against the pipeline that has been supplying America with 20% of its oil needs.

Palin points out that it is in the Alaskan constitution that the residents of Alaska own their resources.

Palin: "Our nation is in a world of hurt if we continue to be so dependent on the Middle East."

Palin on our our energy policy: "America has no energy policy."

Palin on Obama and Biden's naievete regarding renewable energy: "It is a naieve notion to believe we can jump right into renewable sources of energy."

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm could we reverse the ticket or better yet have Romney/Palin or is that too late?
