There are two stories in the above-the-fold front page of the Denver Post today. One is about Hurricane Gustav. The other is by a New York Times writer named Jackie Calmes. Ms. Calmes writes about John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin. There are 24 paragraphs. 2 paragraphs had positive comments about Palin. 13 paragraphs were negative about McCain and Palin. 7 paragraphs were neutral.
The Post decides to use a story by the most biased newspaper in the United States (biased toward the Democrats), The New York Times, to discuss the V.P. choice of Sarah Palin. Who do they think they are fooling? Both the Times and the Post in recent years have been laying off huge percentages of their workforce. This blatantly biased front page story is a prime example of why that is happening.
The Times may get by with insulting the intelligence of its readers in New York. However, here in flyover country, we are not that easily bamboozled. McCain's pick is brilliant. The Times and the Post will do their best to get Obama elected, but the people of the United States will elect the McCain/Palin ticket, and those two blatantly biased newspapers will continue to lose readership. It is a natural consequence for their continually insulting the intelligence of their readers.
With the Democratic Convention being held here this month, Coloradans have been bombarded with story after story in the Post this year about the Democrats. Now it is time for the Republican Convention in St. Paul, and this is what we get from the Post. It is overkill, and I, for one, am fed up with trying to sift though the daily onslaught of bias.
You're not alone Bob. I haven't read or listened to the MSM since I discovered the Internet.