Friday, August 08, 2008

Breathe Deeply, and Slowly Exhale

Then, realize God loves you, God IS love, and has the power to take away that which is causing trauma.


  1. For what it's worth, you guys are still in my prayers, Bob.

  2. I pray for you and think of you often.

  3. I'm prayin' for y'all too, Bob.
    And if God doesn't take the trauma away, He will help you get through it! :^)

  4. I know you had something completely different in mind, Bob, but I popped open your blog about two hours after my 21yo recent college grad daughter had been 'downsized' from her first out of college job. She was growing to love the place, and is brokenhearted. Now, she has to face going out into an even leaner marketplace to find another.

    Your comment was in the right place at the right time. God add blessings to your life, as you have been to mine.

  5. You two have been through so much, but I know you'll make it to the end of this, too. Keep strong, and I'm praying for you.

  6. Y'all have been in my thoughts and prayers since you haven't posted in awhile. God is indeed more powerful than the travails facing you.

    Hugs to all your family.

  7. Julie, Terri,Jeffro,Ben, Peri, M.E., and Mrs. Who:It means so very much to Colleen and me to have such wonderful friends as you and others who have posted comments. God bless you all.

  8. Amen. May He bring you joy soon

  9. Timely! praying, hello from Paraguay!

  10. Happy birthday to you BOB, your day put on quite a show here that i will post to picasa for you. we lost our carport, our neighbors lost their carport and part of their roof. trees down all over town. it was nuts.

  11. We're praying for you in Texas. Hope you're feeling better soon as your frequent blogs are something we always enjoy and look forward to.

    (I hope that doesn't sound selfish. We just miss you!)

  12. Racoon prayers surround you and yours Bob and that counts for a lot with God.

  13. You and your family are always in my prayers as well! I know you've been dealt some difficult hands lately. Just know that you have lotsa folks out here who are supporting you and sending good wishes your way!

