Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Illegal immigration is back in the news.

John McCain gave a speech to the National Association of Elected and Appointed Latino Officials the other day. McCain, referring to the adult individuals from Mexico who have chosen to illegally enter our country, said, "We must also understand that 12 million people are here, and they are here illegally, and they are God's children." As Tammy Bruce points out, "the word "children" conveys an image of helpless innocence. Which of course isn't the case; illegal immigrants have made an adult decision to enter the country illegally. To call them "children" is deceptive and condescending."

Why doesn't McCain talk about the number of American women who are getting knocked up by illegals, and having the American taxpayers pay for the health care of those children and mothers through the various social welfare programs of our generous country?

Did you read about sanctuary city San Francisco? They are paying for airplane tickets to send back to Central America dangerous drug dealing criminals who are members of vicious gangs that terrorize American citizens. The criminals reload with weapons and drugs, and come right back to wreak more havoc and reap more profits from their criminal activities.

Yesterday 34 people were indicted in a suburb of Denver for importing illegal drugs from Mexico. How much? Four million dollars worth of cocaine MONTHLY! Large amounts of marijuana were also brought into the area. The law enforcement operation was called "Operation Shoestring" to reflect the shrinking budgets for enforcement of drug laws in Colorado.


  1. RE: McCain

    How in the world can the Republican Party get saddled with a nutcase whack-job who knows nothing about economics, is so anti-capitalist he uses "profit" as a term of derision, has never run a business or had any job outside of government, will raise taxes, is so stupid that he believes "stopping global warming" is worth destroying the American economy, won't drill ANWR to alleviate our energy deficit, won't appoint strict constructionist justices, won't protect marriage, would throttle free speech given another opportunity, hasn’t protected the borders in his 26 years in Congress, will give amnesty, citizenship, and a ‘key’ to our country to 20 million illegal aliens (god’s special children in his twisted mind), is beloved by the New York Times in addition to other liberal media, and lives in a delusionary world of suppressed rage and self-appointed war hero vanity?

    RE: SF

    Can we say, all together now...willful and knowingly aiding & abetting of illegal aliens, willful and knowingly disregarding federal law and willfully and knowingly enacting a local law (sanctuary city status) that is in direct and unlawful opposition to federal immigration law.

    Due to wilfully and knowingly violating federal law, strip ALL federal money given to California. Period!

  2. Yes ok here's yet another reason I do not want to vote for McCain.
