Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where is America?

If these are the cycles of democracy, which cycle do you think we are now in?
1) From Bondage to spiritual faith;
2) From spiritual faith to great courage;
3) From courage to liberty;
4) From liberty to abundance;
5) From abundance to complacency;
6) From complacency to apathy;
7) From apathy to dependence;
8) From dependence back into bondage.

In reading the excellent Colorado blogger Rossputin, today I followed a link to another blog called The Shot, to read an article by Casen Gregg. Gregg cites Eighteenth Century writer and lawyer, Alexander Tytler, who believed that democracies go through the cycles listed above. Gregg makes the case that we are now in cycle number eight.


  1. Scary because it is too true.

  2. I'd say number 7 myself. Although, with the Internet and blogging it's hard to say apathy abounds. I just think half of us have been body snatched by aliens intent on taking over the earth, ha.
