Friday, June 27, 2008

Where The Democrats" Money Is Coming From

In my opinion, few political pundits on the current scene can write like Ann Coulter. This morning in my email I found this gem by Ann, which I will partially quote here.
"Do you know which special interest has given more money to the Obama and Clinton campaigns than any other?

If you guessed "trial lawyers" -- well, okay, that's too easy. But can you guess which special interest came in second?

Labor unions? Nope. The Green Lobby? Nope. AARP? Wrong, again. NEA? Nyet.

Give up? Okay, here's the answer: Wall Street.

That's right. According to, Wall Street securities and investment firms have given over $35 million to Democratic candidates this election cycle. And the amount they've given to the Clinton and Obama campaigns is nearly five times the amount they've given to McCain.

If you've been wondering why the financial industry has been in meltdown -- and taking your 401(k) or investment portfolio down with it -- now you know.

Let's face it: The former frat boys who populate Wall Street today understand economics about as well as the pinko professors whose courses they snored through.

That's why betting their entire industry on "subprime" loans to people with no jobs and no collateral made sense to them -- and why betting the entire U.S. economy on the likes of Hillary and Obama makes sense to them now."


  1. I got the same email, only I deleted it before I read it - thinking: I have a big breakfast of ideas to digest already this morning. Apparently, the forces of good meant for me to get her message. Thanks friend for heeding the call! I had not a clue. I better go update my recent Obama list of influencers. Actually, I'll just link to this post.

    Thanks Bob.

  2. Who can't love Ann's turn of phrase.
