“Surely we can agree that no party or political philosophy has a monopoly on patriotism.”
From Darleen at Protein Wisdom:
"Surely, I can disagree.
Surely, I can state categorically that any political philosophy that has as its core value some variation of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is antithetical to American values and, therefore, unpatriotic.
Surely, I can state categorically that any political philosophy makes the “world’s” feelings a priority over American interests or sovereignty is antithetical to American values or survival and, therefore, unpatriotic.
Because dissent, especially from O! Enlightenment, is patriotic."
I have come to accept the fact that at least half of my fellow Americans want socialism, somehow think we can do it, fail to recognize it has never worked. And I'm not sure the rest of us can stem the tide.