Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama Starts His Move to the Center

The best Father's Day sermon I have ever heard.

via American Power


  1. Nice sermon. He sight reads really well. I think he should take over being the new pastor for the United Church of Christ.

  2. This from Memri:
    " .

    "All The People In The Arab And Islamic World And In Africa Applauded This Man [Obama]... [And] May Have Even Been Involved In Legitimate Contribution Campaigns"

    Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi: "It has been proven that there is no democracy in [the U.S.]. Rather, it is a dictatorship no different than the dictatorships of Hitler, Napoleon, Mussolini, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, and the rest of the tyrants.

    "In the days of crazy Reagan, the American president issued a presidential order to launch a war against Libya, for example, a presidential order to besiege Libya, a presidential order to boycott Libya, and so on. Is this a democracy or a dictatorship?


    "There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama.

    "All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American presidency."

  3. I don't trust this guy. I finally realized that listening to him. Sounds slick as we'd say down here in the deep south. Too slick by far.

  4. gecko and terri,
    You both make very valid points. He does sight read really well, and he is very, very slick.
