Tuesday, June 03, 2008

No Defense

Most of you are probably aware of the show trial going on in Canada. Marvelous author Mark Steyn is on trial for alleged hate crimes against jihadists, contained in his wonderful book, "America Alone." From Maggies Farm, here is article 7.1of the Human rights code.
Section 7.1 of the British Columbia Human Rights Code states, re a "hate" offense accusation:

...innocent intent is not a defense, nor is truth, nor is fair comment or the public interest, nor is good faith or responsible journalism.

I am betting that Steyn will make a complete mockery of Canada's politically correct code.


  1. I'm betting he will too, Bob. Steyn is nobody's fool! :)

  2. The guys at Maggie's Farm are great!!

  3. Well, after my last post, I have been served a few vicious warnings.

  4. I don't think Canada is ready for prime time, ha.
