Thursday, May 22, 2008

Turbulent Skies

You may have heard that we had tornadoes today in Colorado. We are just beginning to learn about the damage. I have heard of only one death so far. The tornadoes were hitting down on rural areas north of Boulder and south of Fort Collins. A train carrying two-ton tankers was lifted up in the air and dropped down off the tracks. A turkey farm was demolished.

Last night we had an amazing lightning show that lasted for hours, and was constant. Those clouds were east of us, toward Kansas. We videotaped it, and I will upload the video if my son can show me how to do it.


  1. Having been in a big one in Topeka Kansas years ago when about 60 people died, my thoughts and prayers always go to the afflicted. I now live in hurricane alley, but they are somewhat predictable and you can leave early is better. Tornadoes, sometimes you just never see them coming until it's too late to do much.

  2. It's all so much more dramatic in big sky country!

  3. terri,
    I lived in Topeka in 1966 when a tornado roared through the city. Is that when you were there?

    Yes, definitely.
